subsequence largest

「USACO2016JAN」Subsequences Summing to Sevens

[USACO16JAN]Subsequences Summing to Sevens S 题目描述 Farmer John's $N$ cows are standing in a row, as they have a tendency to do from time to time. Each ......
Subsequences Summing Sevens USACO 2016

CF750E - New Year and Old Subsequence

题意:给一个字符串,每次询问它的一个区间,问最少删除多少个字符,使得区间没有子序列 2016,但是有子序列 2017。 My solution 首先考虑贪心,通过预处理的方式找到区间最后一个 7,依次往前贪心的找到最靠后的一组 2017。接下来,我们需要 7 的后面没有 6,7 前面的部分不能组合出 ......
Subsequence 750E Year 750 New

PAT Advanced 1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum

PAT Advanced 1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum 1. Problem Description: Given a sequence of $K$ integers { $N_1, N_2, ..., N_K$ }. A continuous subsequence ......
Subsequence Advanced Maximum 1007 PAT

AtCoder Regular Contest 134 D Concatenate Subsequences

洛谷传送门 AtCoder 传送门 我一年前甚至不会做/qd 发现 $a_{x_1}$ 为 $k = \min\limits_{i=1}^n a_i$ 时最优。然后开始分类讨论: 如果 $\min\limits_{a_i = k} a_{i+n} \le k$,答案为 $(k, \min\limit ......

[ABC299F] Square Subsequence

Problem StatementYou are given a string $S$ consisting of lowercase English letters. Print the number of non-empty strings $T$ that satisfy the follow ......
Subsequence Square 299F ABC 299

CF1814E Chain Chips & CF750E New Year and Old Subsequence - 动态 dp -

一句话概括动态 dp:用来解决带修改/多次区间询问的 dp 问题。将转移写成矩阵的形式,然后利用线段树求解区间问题/单点修改 1814E 注意一条边要么选 2 要么选 0 次,而且第一条边一定是选了 2 次。如果有一条边没选,那么这条边两侧的边一定都选了。 设 $f_i$ 代表考虑到第 $i$ 条边 ......
Subsequence 动态 1814E Chain Chips

【题解】[ABC299F] Square Subsequence(DP)

【题解】[ABC299F] Square Subsequence 题目链接 [ABC299F] Square Subsequence 题意概述 给定一个由小写英文字母组成的字符串 $S$。计算满足以下条件的非空字符串 $T$ 的数量,答案对 $998244353$ 取模。 将 $T$ 复制一倍形成 ......
题解 Subsequence Square 299F ABC

1094 The Largest Generation

A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree where all the nodes on the same level belong to the same generation. Your task is to find t ......
Generation Largest 1094 The

[Algorithm] Dynamic programming - 02 - Longest Common Subsequence - Drawing 2d matrix + back tracing

Write a function that takes in two strings and returns their longest common subsequence. A subsequence of a string is a set of characters that aren't ......